
Harmony Day - Faces of the Maranoa

We want to share your story in celebration of Harmony Day! Our region has so many different cultures and we would love to show just how diverse this is.

Your short story (just a few simple questions) will be displayed in a shop window in Roma for a week, starting on Thursday 21st March (Harmony Day). We will also be having an opening of the display on Friday 22nd March (further information to follow, please provide contact details for more information about this).

Below are 4 simple questions that you can share as much or as little information as you like about. Your responses will be typed up to display on the poster. Feel free to add extra pages of information if you run out of room:

Thank you so much for your participation in Harmony Day celebrating Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Council’s Community Support Officer on 1300 007 662.